Eastern European partner | Larive Ukraine

Eastern European partner | Larive Ukraine

The Larive Group has been active in Ukraine since the late nineties and since 2000 operates in Ukraine through the established partnership with an advisory company KMK Investment Management Ltd (Larive Ukraine). The office is headed by Vladyslav Kadlybytskyy, who joined Larive in the same year.

Ukraine offers a variety of opportunities


Historically known as the “breadbasket of Europe”, Ukraine is set to become the “food basket” of the world. With 33% of the world’s black soil concentrated in Ukraine, a favourable climate and proximity to key markets, Ukraine is becoming an agriculture export powerhouse.

Ukraine’s present agricultural output consists of a diverse combination of cereal and forage crops products  including sunflower oil (1st place in the world), rapeseeds (2nd place in the world), maize (4th place), wheat (5th place), sugar beets, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Creative industry

Ukraine is among the top-25 countries in the category “Most awarded countries” in the Global Creativity Report 2019 by Cannes Lions. Such results were achieved due to the huge talent potential, high level of education, and the development of innovative technologies.

Ukraine, in general, has become a booming location for the global filming industry, as the country’s top-notch talent and affordable prices make it an attractive alternative to Hollywood. Ukraine’s multi-million filming industry is becoming a competitor within the region and can easily be on par with such traditional filming locations as Budapest and Prague.


Over the last fifteen years the IT industry in Ukraine has grown to nearly 40 times its original size from $110 million in 2003 to about $4.5billion in 2018. With a sustainable growth rate of 20-25% the development of the Ukrainian IT industry is far ahead of the average growth rate of the sector in the world. The number of IT specialists in Ukraine is expected to surpass 200,000 people in 2020. This growth has already allowed IT to emerge as Ukraine’s third-largest export right after agriculture and metallurgy.

Ukraine is on its way to become one of the world’s major tech powerhouses. The Ukrainian IT industry consists of over 4,000 local IT service companies and more than 110 leading global companies have subsidiaries in the country. Samsung, Microsoft, Ring, Snap, Magento, Plarium, Boeing, Siemens, Ericsson – all have established R&D centers in Ukraine.


Ukraine’s maritime transport sector is a multi-functional complex of rivers and seaports together with the supporting infrastructure that serve Ukraine’s export/import sector. A competitive advantage for Ukraine is that all the country’s ports along the Black Sea coastline are warm-water ports that provide year-round access to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

The infrastructure supporting this capacity has aged but provides a significant opportunity for investment and redevelopment; inter-model transport and the introduction of technological upgrades to service Ukraine’s increasingly diverse import/export requirements are further investment opportunities.

With the assistance of international donors and the private sector, the government is embarking on a parallel program to provide increased training for port personnel, introducing modern technologies for loading and unloading together with the privatization of certain port facilities.

In October 2019, the parliament adopted the Concession Law, which regulates conditions for the transfer of state and municipal property for business use. It increases the investment attractiveness of Ukraine and provides for the implementation of socially significant projects, with the private management of the concession assets of a temporary nature (from 3 to 50 years). Currently, 2 first concession projects in ports have been completed and concession agreements have been signed.

PIB WaterwayTechHolland

Larive Ukraine works for the EBRD, IFC, Dutch Government, large companies and SMEs. Currently, Larive Ukraine is acting as a local coordinator of the project WaterwayTechHolland, co-financed by the Dutch government.

A group of Dutch companies united in the WaterwayTechHolland consortium – with support of the government of the Netherlands – aim to connect with Ukrainian partners and contribute to the improvement of the river infrastructure and facilities. They do so by offering services, products and training of the highest standards in the inland waterways and seaport sector.

The consortium operates in Ukraine under the Partners for International Business program, financed by the Dutch Government, and is a continuation of the Dnipro Development Initiative framework, initiated in 2016 by the Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure, the Dutch embassy in Kiev and several international financial institutions.

What we can do for you

Do you want to know about your company’s opportunities in Ukraine? The experts working for Larive Ukraine can help you as they are trained management consultants covering the following areas of expertise:

  • Market research and identification of business opportunities
  • Analysis of business cases, feasibility studies
  • Restructuring advice
  • Strategy development
  • Legal advice
  • Project management


The track record of Larive Ukraine includes a number of both public and private funded projects in different sectors of the Ukrainian economy, such as:

  • Agriculture and good processing
  • Transport and logistics
  • Shipbuilding
  • Wood processing
  • Renewable energy
  • Other

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