Plastivaloire | Greenfield facility Czech Republic

Plastivaloire | Greenfield facility Czech Republic

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Group Plastivaloire (“Plastivaloire”) is a French-headquartered company that specialises in the manufacturing of plastic injection-moulded interior and exterior components for the automotive, electronics and appliances industries. The company has been awarded multiannual contracts to supply components to (mainly) German premium original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and Tier 1 suppliers. To be competitive and supply these clients cost-effectively, the company earmarked the Western- and Southern parts of the Czech Republic as the most suitable regions for investment in a new factory.

Plastivaloire needed to act fast and decide where to locate the new factory in the Czech Republic as the new car models were planned to be marketed two years post-date. The company engaged Larive to provide support with the location assessment and site selection as well as with the implementation process, facilitating the internal decision-making processes and mitigating investment risks.

Larive support included identifying and assessing industrial (greenfield) locations and organising fact-finding visits to the Czech Republic. After selecting Pilsen as the most promising region for localisation, Larive conducted an in-depth labour market study to assess the fierce competition for skilled labour between and on industrial parks, simulate the reaction of established companies to new entrants and analyse the long-term implications.

Following, Larive negotiated the lease for a 9,100 m² built-to-suite facility at Panattoni Park Pilsen West in the Czech Republic., Larive supported throughout the factory set-up process, including incorporation of the legal entity, negotiations with industrial real-estate developers, recruitment of key management and personnel and the application for state aid. The facility became operational in April 2020.

“Plastivaloire is operating over 30 sites on four continents. Being connected to major highways and near other automotive suppliers, the Pilsen facility allows us to supply our German customers in the automotive sector efficiently. Thanks to Larive, we have been able to establish this facility within the set timeframe, while maintaining control of the development process”. Thierry Blampain, Group Strategy Director Plastivaloire

Pilsen Factory Mirrored

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