Fruitful discussions and insights gained from first PoultryTechUganda Impact Tour

Fruitful discussions and insights gained from first PoultryTechUganda Impact Tour

Last week, from 24 to 29 April, the first PoultryTechUganda Impact Tour was successfully organised by ASIGMA and Larive International in which the consortium partners have met with leading Ugandan poultry stakeholders, visited several Ugandan poultry farmers and learned more about possible Dutch-Ugandan business and investment opportunities.

PoultryTechUganda is a public-private partnership of Dutch and Ugandan companies, knowledge institutes and government agencies that jointly aim to develop the Ugandan poultry value chain and make the local sector more resilient to external shocks. Launched at the end of last year, this partnership aims to contribute to a resilient and profitable Ugandan poultry value chain, through substituting imported farming inputs with locally produced inputs, allowing for broad sustainable development of Ugandan poultry farmers. This is achieved by improving overall productivity, sustainability and resilience in the Ugandan poultry value chain, while strengthening business relations between stakeholders in the Dutch and Ugandan poultry value chain resulting in increased trade, investment and cooperation.


image credit: ASIGMA


Business meetings

Throughout the week, the consortium met up with a plethora of stakeholders in the Ugandan poultry value chain to gain valuable insights into the sector, ideas for sector development including key contacts and relations. Furthermore, the Ugandan companies have been able to gain insights into Dutch technologies, solutions, expertise and knowledge, that could support investment into Ugandan sector development. The following companies met with the consortium and shared in their knowledge of the sector.

Agilis Partners
Asiima Agri Concern
Biwooma Farmers
Biyinzika Poultry International
Msingi Poultry Limited
the Poultry Association of Uganda
Ugachick Poultry Breeders
Uzima Chicken
Watoto Church
HMH Rainbow


Networking Cocktail

To promote the sector and stimulate investment and cooperation, a Networking Cocktail was organised in cooperation with the Dutch Government. Several key stakeholders were present and the official launch of the Ugandan Poultry Impact Cluster was celebrated.


As a continuation the consortium will draft a plan to best support the demands of the poultry value chain, be it in the form of a cooperation, training, marketing efforts and/or the upgrading of existing farms to stimulate efficiency, growth and investment all along the value chain.

The following innovative Dutch and Ugandan companies are part of PoultryTechUganda, each offering complementary solutions and covering essential steps of the poultry value chain:

Aeres Training Centre International
Asigma Capital Advisory Services
Asiima Agri Concern
Champrisa International
Hendrix Genetics
Nutreco / Trouw Nutrition
Royal Pas Reform
Ottevanger Milling Engineers


For any questions, please contact our colleague Bart Wolberink at [email protected].

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