FoodTechAfrica | Partnership

FoodTechAfrica | Partnership

Pioneering aquaculture growth in East Africa

  • Region: Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda
  • Sector: Aquaculture
  • Duration: 2011-2021
  • 17 Project partners
  • Public-private partnership co-financed by the Dutch government

FoodTechAfrica was a pioneering public-private partnership that took it upon itself to improve food security through private sector development in East Africa’s nascent aquaculture sector. The exceptional journey began modestly in 2011 when a Kenyan farmer expressed his inability to make fish farming profitable for himself and other farmers around him, citing the limited availability of fish in the local market.

This revelation was surprising, as Kenya borders Lake Victoria, a historical source of fish for the region. However, the lake’s output was declining sharply due to pollution, overfishing, and lack of regulation. While the declining output was traditionally replaced by fish imports, Kenya and East Africa as a whole had excellent capabilities to produce local fish for the local market, but it had not been done at scale.

Key achievements

  • Established the first high-quality fish feed factory in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Pioneered the use of recirculation-based (RAS) fish farms in East Africa.
  • Secured the first EcoMark Africa certification for sustainable aquaculture.
  • Spearheaded the “Blue Revolution” in East Africa, promoting sustainable fish production.
  • Recognized as the most successful Public-Private Partnership by the Dutch government.
  • Triggered spin-off projects in Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda, expanding regional impact.
  • Laid the foundation for the Kenya Market-led Aquaculture Program (KMAP). A Pioneering Approach


Larive International took the initiative to develop and lead FoodTechAfrica, a consortium of 17 companies and universities. The consortium recognized this untapped potential and embarked on a mission to establish a fully integrated aquaculture value chain in East Africa. The partnership combined best practices and expertise from various stakeholders, taking a holistic approach to address the challenges and opportunities in the region’s aquaculture sector.

Driving Sustainable Growth

East Africa was facing a growing demand for animal protein due to rapid population growth, rising incomes, urbanization, and changing food habits. FoodTechAfrica’s efforts aimed to meet this increasing demand for sustainably produced, safe, nutritious, and protein-rich food products through the development of a thriving aquaculture industry.

Remarkable Achievements

Throughout its journey, FoodTechAfrica achieved remarkable results, including:

  • Realizing the first high-quality fish feed factory in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Realizing the first recirculation-based (RAS) fish farm in East Africa.
  • Being the first to apply and receive the coveted EcoMark Africa certification label
  • Driving East Africa’s “Blue Revolution” through various initiatives and partnerships

FoodTechAfrica’s pioneering efforts were recognized when it was honoured as the most successful Public-Private Partnership by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lasting Impact and Spinoff Projects

The success of FoodTechAfrica’s initiatives in Kenya led to the establishment of spinoff projects in Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda, further expanding the consortium’s impact across East Africa. Additionally, spinoff programs like the Kenya Market-led Aquaculture Program (KMAP) were built upon the foundations laid by FoodTechAfrica.

Through its collaborative approach and unwavering commitment, FoodTechAfrica played a pioneering and pivotal role in transforming East Africa’s aquaculture sector, paving the way for sustainable growth, food security, and economic opportunities for local communities.


The consortium included a growing number of project partners over the year, including but not limited to:

  • Almex
  • Dinnissen
  • Fishion
  • Kamuthanga Farm
  • KMFRI (Kenyan Marine & Fisheries Research Institute)
  • Larive International (coordinator)
  • Lattice Consulting
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
  • Nutreco
  • Ottevanger Milling Engineers
  • PTN (presumably a company name)
  • Unga Group
  • Viqon Water Solutions
  • Wageningen UR


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