Contour Fine Tooling | M&A advisory services Korea

Contour Fine Tooling | M&A advisory services Korea


Contour Fine Tooling (CFT) is a division of the Diamond Tools Group, supplying diamond tools for optical and ultra-precision manufacturing industries, such as laboratories, aerospace, semiconductors and defence. While already present in South Korea through a local agent, CFT considered an acquisition to accelerate its regional expansion in South Korea.

CFT required a deeper understanding of the attractiveness of two targets, based on detailed business intelligence, to decide how to proceed with the M&A strategy. Larive assessed the targets on whether they match the criteria set by CFT, the ‘buyability’, drafted detailed player profiles (e.g. products, financials, ownership, focus and key accounts) and conducted a preliminary valuation of the companies. The overall assessment enabled CFT to more accurately define its M&A strategy in South Korea. Following this, Larive contacted the owners of both targets to verify interest in disinvesting and developing relationships.

Contour fine tooling

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