Marvesa specialises in the sourcing, production, storage and distribution of vegetable oils and fats (made from rest streams from amongst others palm, soy and rape crushes) for clients active in the animal feed, pharmaceutical and renewable energy industries. Marvesa has in-house tank storage facilities and an extensive distribution network and operates several sales offices in Europe, supplying almost 500,000 MT of products annually.
Larive was engaged by Marvesa to provide in-depth insight into the regulatory (legal, fiscal) conditions and market attractiveness of a selected number of Asian countries, given Marvesa’s ambitions to establish a sourcing & sales office and a storage & distribution facility. This enabled Marvesa to better understand (1) profitability levels, (2) associated risks & opportunities and (3) the most attractive location(s) to establish its activities in Asia, facilitating the company’s internal decision-making processes.