Rijk Zwaan | Business intelligence Myanmar

Rijk Zwaan | Business intelligence Myanmar


Rijk Zwaan is a leading vegetable breeding company. Rijk Zwaan engaged Larive to support with analysing the horticulture sector in Myanmar with a focus on greenhouse production of 5 selected crops (tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, watermelon and melon).

Larive conducted consumer surveys with 300 households and 75 restaurants as well as in-depth discussions with 30 stakeholders in the horticulture value chain, including input suppliers, farmers, retailers/wholesalers, Government officials, representatives of business associations and horticulture experts.

Larive provided Rijk Zwaan insights on developments in the horticulture sector in Myanmar in terms of changing consumer behaviour, actors in the value chain, an overview of the legal framework (restrictions & regulations on import and foreign investment; business licenses & approvals) and the priority areas of the Myanmar government. It offered Rijk Zwaan guidance for potential next steps in the Myanmar market.

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