Contour Fine Tooling | Market entry assessment Southeast Asia

Contour Fine Tooling | Market entry assessment Southeast Asia


Contour Fine Tooling (CFT) is a division of the Diamond Tools Group, supplying diamond tools for optical and ultra-precision manufacturing industries, such as laboratories, aerospace, semiconductors and defence. CFT supplies clients in Southeast Asia with brand-new products and after-sales services mainly from its European manufacturing and service centres. Setting up a regional service centre would allow the company to localize production and repair activities, resulting in reduced time to market, transport costs and import duties and liaise with clients in the region more effectively.

CFT engaged Larive to support with business intelligence (commercial, tax, legal) relevant to the location decision, independent advice for the optimal location of the investment and implementing the optimal (legal and fiscal) structure for CFT’s service centre in Malaysia and/or Thailand. 

Contour Fine Tooling Market entry assessment Southeast Asia

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