Van Oord | Mangrove restoration business plan Vietnam

Van Oord | Mangrove restoration business plan Vietnam

Van Oord (blue)

Van Oord, a leading marine engineering and dredging company, developed an initiative named ‘Ocean Health’ focusing on enhancing the ecological conditions of deep-water oceans and coastlines. By doing so, Van Oord aims to improve the livelihoods of communities dependent on these waters.

Leveraging its expertise in market entry and structuring consortia, Larive assessed viable partnership opportunities in Vietnam. This included drafting a business plan centred around sustainable shrimp farming, which effectively tackles problems such as eutrophication and coastline erosion. Under Larive’s strategic leadership, Van Oord and partners assessed the technical feasibility, ecological factors, stakeholder engagement, and legal considerations. 

The collaboration resulted in a robust business plan that combined sustainable shrimp farming with mangrove restorations. This innovative approach not only improves economic efficiency but also demonstrates the feasibility of ecologically responsible farming through mangrove integration. A trial location in the Mekong Delta has been established, showcasing a unique operating model that integrates mangrove restoration.

Van Oord Mangrove restoration business plan Vietnam

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