CADESA | Business plan & financial model development Côte d’Ivoire

CADESA | Business plan & financial model development Côte d’Ivoire


CADESA COOP-CA (CADESA) is a farmer cooperative in Côte d’Ivoire specializing in the collection and export of cocoa beans, coffee, cashew, and rubber. With over 2000 members, it produces more than 7,000 metric tons of cocoa per year. CADESA aims to create and retain more value for the cooperative and its farmers. Together with RVO, CADESA commissioned Larive to develop a detailed business plan and financial model to explore the commercial viability of a 3,500 metric ton cocoa processing facility. This facility would enable CADESA to process its beans into cocoa mass and attract investments.

Larive conducted a thorough assessment of the business model to create a comprehensive business plan. This plan includes internal and external analyses, strategy and risk assessment and prioritization, a marketing plan, an operational plan, an investment plan, and a financial plan. The business plan and financial model, featuring three scenarios, were developed and pitched to potential off-takers and investors.

Incluvest regularly receives business plans from companies in Africa and Asia. When a business plan is prepared by an advisor, we are extra alert because the advisor often has a direct or indirect interest in ensuring that the plan leads to an investment. As a result, these business plans are often not balanced and have too much of a sales pitch. We were therefore pleasantly surprised with the business plan prepared by Larive for a cocoa processing plant in Ivory Coast. The plan was very factual, transparent, and highlighted both the opportunities and strengths as well as the risks and weaknesses. It was written from the perspective of an investor, allowing us to quickly form a good understanding.” – Koert Jansen, Managing Director Incluvest


“We are all proud of the great and fantastic job you did. Because it does not take only what CADESA represents but it takes into account external analyses that we would not have been able to see and thanks to your expertise this has been brought to light. Also, the way that it is detailed makes it accessible for everyone, even for those without a finance or management background. To finish my remarks, once again thank you for this brilliant work, and know that we will ask you again to write our BP for the cashew factory as soon as we have completed the cocoa factory. Will also recommend Larive.” – Abdrahamane BAKAYOKO, CADESA

CADESA - cote divoire

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