Larive Ukraine: Market Study District Heating Systems (September, 2012)

Larive Ukraine: Market Study District Heating Systems (September, 2012)

On behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, Larive Ukraine performed a market study about the opportunities for Dutch companies in the district heating sector in Ukraine.

The market research has been executed at both national level (where relevant concerns)
and is specifically focused on the following cities and surrounding area:

  • Kiev;
  • Poltava;
  • Kamyanets-Podilsky;
  • Kovel;
  • Lviv;
  • Zhytomyr;
  • Uzhgorod;
  • Mukachevo.

The survey identified the existing and future opportunities for Dutch companies in the district heating sector in Ukraine, facilitates better understanding of the sector specifics by providing a complete picture on the whole district heating chain at specific cities mentioned and surrounding areas, and provide practical information on the best ways to enter this market segment by Dutch companies.

The market study contains the following items:

  • Description of district heating sector;
  • Analysis of district heating chain in 8 cities;
  • Legal analysis;
  • Pricing models;
  • Opportunities for renewable energy;
  • Government policy;
  • Opportunities for Dutch companies;
  • SWOT analysis;
  • Financing;
  • Market entry models.

If you would like to receive the report or like to know more about the opportunities in Ukraine? Please contact Larive International, phone +31 30 693 33 221 or send an email to [email protected]

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