Transitiefaciliteit open for new applications (January, 2014)

Transitiefaciliteit open for new applications (January, 2014)

Are you developing your business in emerging markets? The Dutch government offers financial support to set up demonstration projects, to execute feasibility studies and to hire external advisors in Colombia, South Africa and Vietnam via the ‘Transitiefaciliteit’.


  1. Demonstration projects (max EUR 200.000 subsidy)
  2. Feasibility studies (max EUR 100.000 subsidy)
  3. Hiring Advisors (max EUR 50.000 subsidy)


1. Demonstration projects

  • A cooperation of at least 2 (not bound by a Group) Netherlands based companies can jointly receive a grant for executing a demonstration project at their own risk;
  • The project  (technology used) should be new to Vietnam.


2. Feasibility studies

  • A cooperation of at least 2 (not bound by a Group) Netherlands based companies can jointly receive a grant for executing a study to gather information for the feasibility of an export- or investment project to or in Vietnam
  • The project should be executed on behalf of a local (Vietnamese) potential client (initiation letter).


3. Hiring Advisors

  • A Dutch SME can receive a grant when being advised by Larive (and/or OpenAsia).
  • The Dutch definition of SME is:
    • Employees < 250,
    • Total balance sheet  < € 43m,
    • Annual turnover < € 50m.
    • If another company  has a controlling interest in the company  or at least over 25% of the capital or voting rights, then the number of employees, turnover and balance sheet of both companies together count.



Larive has (partner)offices in more than 30 emerging countries and extensive experience with initiating and coordinating public and private projects. Please contact us to discuss the opportunities for your organization or download the flyer via the publication section of this website.

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