Larive participated in ‘Seminar for Transport & Logistics’ during trade mission Ukraine with Minister Ploumen (March 2016).

Larive participated in ‘Seminar for Transport & Logistics’ during trade mission Ukraine with Minister Ploumen (March 2016).

Within the framework of the Economic Mission to Ukraine, the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands Mrs Lilianne Ploumen has visited Ukraine from March 15 till 17, 2016.

During her visit the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands organized the Seminar on Reforms and Business Opportunities in Logistics Sector of Ukraine. Larive was one of the participants and presented and discussed the results of the study Economic impact of the DCFTA for the road freight sector to  the members of the Economic Mission, including opportunities for Dutch businesses.

You can download the presentation here.


For more information you can contact Larive International at +31(0)30 69 33 221.



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