Delegation from Myanmar poultry sector visits the Netherlands

Delegation from Myanmar poultry sector visits the Netherlands

From 15 – 22 May 2016 a delegation of 18 representatives from the Myanmar poultry sector visited the Netherlands. The program included reference visits to companies in the Netherlands active in the various steps of the poultry sector value chain, knowledge & training institutes and a round table session at the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The program has been organized as part of the ‘Netherlands-Myanmar Poultry Cooperation’, a public-private partnership of 9 companies and knowledge institutes from the Netherlands active in the poultry value chain and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Larive and its Myanmar based affiliate Thura Swiss coordinate the PPP. Goals of the partnership is to strengthen the development of the poultry sector in Myanmar, while supporting Dutch companies with market entry and growth in Myanmar.

Visits during the trade mission to the Netherlands included:

  • Poultry breeding, reproduction and broiler farms (Belgabroed, Pollo);
  • Premix & feed additives lab (Trouw Nutrition Nutreco);
  • Hatchery equipment (Pas Reform);
  • Feed mill (De Heus);
  • Slaughterhouse (Esbro);
  • Cold storage & logistics (Leen Menken);
  • Wholesale & retail (Makro, Jumbo);
  • Knowledge institute & vocational training (AERES Group, Poultry Innovation Lab);
  • VIV Poultry Summit Europe;

The partnership will continue its cooperation with its Myanmar counterparts in order to contribute to a more competitive and responsible poultry sector in Myanmar. The Consortium will therefore amongst others offer training programs and share best practices by setting up demonstration facilities locally.

[av_button label=’Download Myanmar Poultry sector report’ link=’manually,https://www.larive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Netherlands-Myanmar-Poultry-Cooperation_Poultry-sector-report_Final-report-11.08.2016.pdf’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’small’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue887′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]

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