Report business opportunities agri-food Philippines

Report business opportunities agri-food Philippines

On behalf of the Netherlands Embassy in Manila, Larive International and its Philippines based affiliate Argosy have assessed the agri-food related developments in the Philippines and identified the most interesting business opportunities for Dutch companies and knowledge institutions. The results of the report ‘Agri-food Philippines’ were presented at the head office of Larive International in Zeist.

Philippine agri-food sector

The Philippines is a high growth market with relatively strong macroeconomic fundamentals, vast domestic consumer market (103 MN inhabitants) and steady economic growth (6-7% YoY). Its middle-class is growing rapidly and the demand for safe, higher quality and more convenient/luxury food products is rising fast. The Philippine agri-food sector offers opportunities for Dutch companies and knowledge institutions in virtually all segments. Most promising food chains are (1) dairy, (2) livestock and poultry, (3) aquaculture and fisheries, (4) and horticulture.


Larive-Argosy has assessed the agricultural-related developments in the Philippines and to link these with opportunities that would offer foreign companies and knowledge institutions a competitive/niche position. The results will enable the foreign investors to promote specific agro-food trade and investment opportunities in the Philippines more efficiently and thereby contribute to sustainable development and growth.

The study has been completed through, desk research, qualitative research (interviews with relevant companies, institutions, experts, business associations and multilateral organizations located both in the Netherlands and the Philippines) and field research. This research has been conducted in the period of July – November 2017.

For questions about this report, please contact us at +31 30 693 32 21.

Download the report in PDF: Agri-food in the Philippines (Larive, Argosy 2018)

Opening by Jaco Beerends, Economic Counsellor of the Netherlands Embassy in Manila
Opening by Jaco Beerends, Economic Counsellor of the Netherlands Embassy in Manila

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