NLinBusiness | Dutch expertise tackles Indian challenges

NLinBusiness | Dutch expertise tackles Indian challenges

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NLinBusiness is an initiative of Dutch employers’ associations VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland. Larive supported NLinBusiness with assessing opportunities to accelerate Dutch business engagement in India to establish three potential public-private partnerships in the fields of water, agri-horti and life sciences & health in relation to climate adaptation.

Larive conducted deep-dive interviews with private parties and public institutes to verify their ambitions and map mutual interests. The outcome of the study has offered NLinBusiness clear handles to accelerate the unfolding of new public-private initiatives in complex Indian markets.

“Larive did a great job in identifying potential projects and consortia in India as a follow-up of a large trade mission to India. We appreciated Larive’s way of working, market knowledge, and extensive network. This led to a very good and extensive report with concrete leads.” Flin Veenstra, Business developer at NLinBusiness

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