BekaertDeslee | Market intelligence & JV setup India

BekaertDeslee | Market intelligence & JV setup India

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BekaertDeslee is a global leading player in the field of mattress textiles and sleep solutions. The company engaged Larive to provide a detailed market sizing and competitor analysis for the mattress textile industries in Bangladesh, Kenya & Vietnam.

By conducting thorough analyses regarding the market size, structure, price point and competitor analyses, Larive facilitated the decision-making process for BekaertDeslee on whether to enter these markets.

Furthermore, in India, Larive provided actionable recommendations for BekaertDeslee concerning establishing a joint venture with a local player. Larive’s local expertise ensured relevant on-the-ground information and strategic guidance, empowering BekaertDeslee’s entry into the Indian market.

“I have been very pleased all along the process to work with Larive International. They made a tailor-made proposal for our business development needs. Through thorough weekly calls, we could ultimately together achieve our objectives to enter new customers and markets. Strength of local network and get things done driven approach from Larive are key differentiators versus traditional market analysis consulting groups.” – Kévin Burkel, Executive Vice President Strategy & Development. 

BekaertDeslee Market intelligence & JV setup India

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