Brink Towing | Market entry ASEAN

Brink Towing | Market entry ASEAN


Brink Group develops and produces towbars in close cooperation with most leading car manufacturers. The company brings its towbars to market both under private label as original equipment (OEM) and under Brink brand for the aftermarket.

Thailand is one of the leading automotive markets in Southeast Asia. Larive supported Brink with entering the Thai market, by providing business intelligence (market sizing, technical requirements) and insight into the legal framework (regulations for import and local production), identifying potential partners/off-takers (both OEMs as well as tier-1 suppliers) and organising meetings with these parties and advised on the preferred route to market.

Following Brink’s decision to localise activities, Larive incorporated the local entity, supported the establishment of a local manufacturing facility as a hub for ASEAN (incl. site selection) and recruited key personnel.


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