
Rwanda: Business horizons in the land of a thousand hills

Rwanda, nestled amidst the verdant hills of Central Africa, is a nation on the rise. Emerging from a turbulent past, Rwanda has become a beacon of stability, good governance and remarkable economic progress. With a GDP exceeding €12 billion, an attractive investor framework and a growth trajectory exceeding 7%, Rwanda presents a compelling investment opportunity for companies seeking a foothold in Africa.

Driving forces of Rwanda’s economy

Rwanda’s economic landscape is characterized by strategic initiatives and forward-thinking policies aimed at fostering sustainable growth. From tourism and agriculture to ICT and renewable energy, Rwanda embraces diversity and innovation to drive economic prosperity.

Main economic opportunities in Rwanda

Knowledge economy
Rwanda is investing heavily in education and skills development, creating a pool of talented professionals. This presents opportunities for collaboration across various sectors.

Special economic zones
Take advantage of Rwanda’s Special Economic Zones (SEZs), which offer tax breaks, streamlined business registration, and world-class infrastructure.

Green economy and sustainability
As one of Africa’s most advanced green economies, Rwanda offers opportunities to introduce sustainable products, services and green solutions targeting industries, manufacturers, real estate developers and infrastructure projects in the region.

Larive’s local partner since 2010

Lattice Consulting represents the Larive Group in Rwanda. Together we support our clients with business intelligence, market entry and growth strategies, implementation and post-entry services.

Entering new markets, especially in the dynamic East African region, can be a daunting task. Lattice, the Larive Group partner since 2010, understands the intricate legal and regulatory landscapes, cultural nuances, and business practices specific to East Africa. With our guidance, you can navigate these complexities with ease, minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities.

Succes stories from Rwanda

A selection of relevant projects

Embark on your Rwanda journey with Larive

Rwanda’s potential is flourishing, but navigating the intricacies of a developing market requires expertise. Larive and Lattice will be your trusted guides, unlocking a world of opportunities for your success in the land of a thousand hills.

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