Exploring the digital financial service (DFS) landscape in nine emerging markets with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Exploring the digital financial service (DFS) landscape in nine emerging markets with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Larive International and LightCastle Partners have partnered with The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to conduct a multi-country analysis of the Digital Financial Services (DFS) Landscape across nine countries in South Asia and Africa. The project will cover upcoming and current DFS trends in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Uganda.

The consortium in collaboration with LightCastle Partners and Larive International driving this cross-country initiative include Big Cabal Media, Invest2Innovate, PT Clarity Research, and Sannam S4 Ltd. The overall output of the project is in the form of recurring monthly and quarterly intelligence reports for the nine countries. These reports offer a concise overview of upcoming innovations, trends, and challenges within the DFS space that impact those at the bottom of the pyramid.

The collaboration provides local insights spanning across four key scopes:

  1. Policy Developments – Research on legislative and regulatory updates and policy shifts with potential implications.
  2. Business News – Relevant business news and market trends, to inform about private sector developments and investment opportunities.
  3. Social Developments – Updates on relevant social developments, such as demographic shifts and community-driven initiatives, to highlight the evolving needs of underserved communities.
  4. Upcoming Events/Landmark – Compilation of upcoming events and milestones to facilitate essential networking opportunities and potential collaborations.

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