Eastern European partner | Larive Romania

Eastern European partner | Larive Romania

From the start in 1994, Larive Romania has assisted over 150 Western and local companies in successfully entering / expanding their business in the Romanian market. And with good reason as Romania has extensive natural resources, a productive agriculture sector, and one of Europe’s most rapidly growing economies. Agriculture alone plays a significant part and employs almost 29% of the country’s labour force. This contributes to about 8.1% of the GDP with the production of several agricultural products and a present expansion on fisheries and forestry industries. (Source: worldatlas)

Manufacturing is another key sector in Romania that has experienced a massive growth in the last few years (Covid19 excluded), and Romania is now an emerging centre in Europe for the automotive and aerospace industries.



Set up in 1994 as a partner of the Larive Group, Larive Romania is specialised in consultancy for:

  • Mergers & Acquisitions: M&A, advise on the sell or buy side for local and international clients that directly invested in Romania.
  • Project / Corporate finance: For clients in need of financial resources and management to further develop their business.
  • Management consulting: Advisory and implementation assistance of appropriate business solutions.
  • Business Development consultancy: Including export promotion & partner search in Romania and other the regions covered by the Larive Group network.



And over the years various projects were successful amongst which were:

M & A and Joint Venture projects:

  • Packaging, Pregis, US, buy side advisory
  • Aerospace, Fokker Technologies, the Netherlands, JV
  • Animal breeding, Euribrid, the Netherlands, JV
  • Dairy, Campina, the Netherlands, JV
  • Publishing, VNU World Directories, buy side advisory

Market & Partner search:

  • Industrial decanters market in Romania, Pieralisi Northern Europe, the Netherlands
  • Kitchen appliances market in Romania, De Kobra, Belgium
  • Environment equipment market in Romania, EVD, the Netherlands

Management Consultancy and Financial Advisory:

  • Public authorities: Project Management for large EU and public funded projects.
  • Food industry: business set-up, long term business & marketing advice, controlling, organizational and HR structural development.
  • Food industry: define and support implementing a medium to long term commercial approach of the Romanian market.


Case description

Back in 2001, Larive Romania was approached by one of the daughter companies of Stork Fokker (AESP) to identify a local aircraft manufacturer that would be willing to co-operate with the Dutch company to locally produce aircraft assemblies for the end clients of Fokker AESP. Based on a “guide” developed with the client, Larive Romania made a complete market scan and research, meeting and interviewing the top management of the 4 Romanian players in the aircraft industry. The recommendation of Larive Romania was to set up a strategic partnership with AEROSTAR SA, a private company listed on the Bucharest stock exchange. The recommendation was approved by the Dutch company management. Larive International and Larive Romania also advised and helped the Client to apply and get a Senter subsidy to help start the cooperation.

Furthermore, Larive Romania fully advised regarding the structure of the co-operation (production JV) to comply with Senter rules and locally supported the full negotiation process and setting up the new Joint Venture company (Aerostar 51% and Stork Fokker AESP 49%). This co-operation is producing subassemblies and assemblies for aircraft industry and is still functional and profitable for both parties.

And a few years after the this partnership was set-up, based on the positive local experience, Fokker set up another engineering company in Romania (also with support of Senter), presently named GKN Fokker Engineering Romania that is still successful today.

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