FoodTechHolland Netherlands Management Training Program (December, 2015)

FoodTechHolland Netherlands Management Training Program (December, 2015)

From November 25th to December 4th an edition of the Netherlands Management Training Program (NMTP) took place as part of the Partners for International Business Program FoodTechHolland (FTH).

FoodTechHolland is a public-private partnership that focuses on supporting Dutch companies to enter/expand in the Indian market and build a significant and sustainable market position. A consortium of over 15 innovative and complementary companies offers an integral approach towards food production, processing, cooling techniques, logistics, distribution and storage of a diverse range of food products.

This NMTP program aimed to stimulate and strengthen trade relationships and networks between the Netherland and India with a specific focus on knowledge transfer. As such, six managers from Indian partners of the participating FTH companies (Van Hall Larenstein (University of Applied Sciences), Schouten Europe, Rademaker, Tolsma and Kiremko) travelled to the Netherlands for training. A joint three-day training on value chain management and food safety was organized by Q-point in Wageningen. Next, the Indian managers joined their Dutch counterparts for a week of internal training and internship. On December 4th, a closing event was organized at Larive International (Coordinator of FTH) to share the lessons learned between all parties involved, as well as discuss on the opportunities of collaboration and business between India and the Netherlands.

For more information, please visit www.foodtechholland.com and RVO.nl.


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