FoodTechIndonesia | Partnership

FoodTechIndonesia | Partnership

Improving and strengthening the poultry sector in Indonesia

  • Region: Indonesia
  • Sector: Livestock (Poultry)
  • Duration: 2019-2022
  • 11 Project partners
  • Public-private partnership co-financed by the Dutch government

FoodTechIndonesia (FTI) is a public-private initiative combining the strengths of Dutch companies (mainly SMEs) active in the poultry value chain to improve and strengthen the poultry sector in Indonesia, in close cooperation with their Indonesian counterparts.

Key Achievements

  • Increased poultry production capacity in Indonesia (meeting projected growth).
  • Established demonstration broiler and layer farms showcasing best practices.
  • Provided training programs for Indonesian poultry professionals.
  • Offered integrated solutions for the Indonesian poultry sector.
  • Strengthened the position of Dutch companies as trusted suppliers.
  • Contributed to improved food quality and safety standards in Indonesia.

Indonesian poultry sector

The Indonesian poultry sector is growing rapidly with an estimated 7% annually in the next decade. To meet future demand, the Indonesian poultry sector requires vast capacity expansion in all segments of the value chain.  A consortium of leading companies and knowledge institutes from the Netherlands has the ambition to develop their position as trusted suppliers and contribute to strengthen the poultry sector in Indonesia. The Consortium includes Aeres, De Heus, DSM, Hato, Kanters, Marel Poultry, Mavitec, Moba, Pas Reform, Trouw Nutrition and Van Aarsen. The partnership is initiated and coordinated by Larive International. On 14 March 2019, the partnership named FoodTechIndonesia, was formally launched at the VIV Asia exhibition in Bangkok in attendance of Louis Beijer, Agricultural Counsellor of the Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta and representatives of all Consortium members.

Indonesia is the largest country and economy in Southeast Asia, with a fast-growing and increasingly urban population of over 266 MN. Per capita annual consumption of poultry meat is expected to increase from 10.9 kg (2017) to approximately 15 kg (2023) and egg consumption from 5.6 kg or 89 eggs (2017) to approximately 7.1 or 113 eggs (2023), driven by increasing purchasing power of its growing middle-class which is more and more consciousness about food quality & safety and are changing their preference towards protein-rich and value-added products.


The FoodTechIndonesia consortium comprises leading complementary (non-competitive) parties from various steps in the Dutch poultry value chain, which enables to provide Indonesian companies with integrated solutions. The consortium will share best practices by establishing demonstration broiler and layer farms and provide training, showing that investments in Dutch products and solutions are commercially attractive and applicable to Indonesian needs.


The FoodTechIndonesia initiative has been developed and is coordinated by Larive International together with its Indonesia-based affiliate Clarity Research. The Consortium receives funding from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs within the framework of the Partners for International Business and Impact Clusters programs. The following sector experts active in the poultry value chain have joined the consortium:

  • Aeres
  • De Heus
  • DSM
  • Hato
  • Kanters
  • Marel Poultry
  • Mavitec
  • Moba
  • Pas Reform
  • Trouw Nutrition
  • Van Aarsen

“It’s great to see a new generation emerging which, in its own unique way, is working to strengthen the future bond between the Netherlands and Indonesia”. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte


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