FoodTechIndonesia first ILDEX Exhibition and impact tour

FoodTechIndonesia first ILDEX Exhibition and impact tour

The Dutch poultry consortium FoodTechIndonesia visited Indonesia from 16 -20 September 2019 to meet the key Indonesian poultry sector companies. Their aim is to demonstrate how Dutch products and solutions can improve the poultry sector practices in Indonesia to secure a strong poultry value chain in the future.

FoodTechIndonesia 2019

FoodTechIndonesia is a public-private partnership established in March 2019. The consortium consists of non-competing leading companies and knowledge institutes from the Netherlands, active in various steps of the poultry value chain. The Netherlands is internationally renowned for responsible and sustainable production of poultry products, innovation and creating added value. FoodTechIndonesia has the ambition to develop its position as trusted suppliers and contribute to strengthening the poultry sector in Indonesia to become more competitive, sustainable and responsible.

The Netherlands Government supports Dutch companies with sharing best practices and knowledge and facilitates trade and investments in Indonesia; this consortium is founded in cooperation with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Indonesia. Larive International and its Indonesia-based affiliate Clarity research coordinate this partnership. The other consortium partners included in FoodTechIndonesia are Aeres, De Heus, DSM, Hato, Kanters, Marel Poultry, Mavitec, Moba, Pas Reform, Trouw Nutrition, and Van Aarsen.

FoodTechIndonesia visits Charoen Pokphand
FoodTechIndonesia visits Charoen Pokphand.

Impact tour to poultry farms

The consortium visited several poultry farms in Indonesia to experience the current farming conditions and to identify opportunities to add value with Dutch knowledge, experiences, products and solutions. Differences between farms are large; while some farmers use small-scale open-house farming systems others already made the step towards more closed-house systems. Despite the differences, challenges for farmers are similar and relate to: low farm gate prices, high feed prices (due to import restrictions on feed ingredients), high mortality rates (due low biosecurity), inefficiencies and lack of antibiotic substitutions and best practices.

During the tour, the group also met with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and key Indonesian poultry sector companies, Charoen Pokphand, Japfa and Sierad. These meeting addressed the same sector challenges as identified during the farm visits.

FoodTechIndonesia Group At Impact Tour

FoodTechIndonesia group visited several poultry farms.

ILDEX Exhibition

Jointly, the consortium exhibited their product and solutions at the FoodTechIndonesia booth during the ILDEX expo (18-20 September). ILDEX Indonesia (International Livestock. Dairy, Meat, Processing and Aquaculture exposition) is organized by VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific Co., Ltd. a joint venture between Jaarbeurs from the Netherlands and TCC Exhibition and Convention Center from Thailand. This year the ILDEX had 205 exhibitors from 27 countries and a 34% growth rate in visitors compared to the previous ILDEX (7,265 in 2017).

The FoodTechIndonesia booth was a collaborative initiative from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta and this Consortium. During the Exhibition, the Booth was granted with the ‘The most favourite stand’  award for its design, expertise, operation and hospitality.

Network Reception in Jakarta

The ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta, H.E. Lambert Grijns and the Agricultural Counselor in Jakarta, Louis Beijer, organised a networking reception to elaborate upon the value-adding potential of this Dutch poultry consortium within the Indonesian poultry sector.  The reception had a great turn-up, and resulted in valuable contacts, indicating the interest in the Dutch poultry sector practices, products and solutions.

Network reception


For more information, please contact Matthias Brienen.


Network reception
Network reception

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