Good African Coffee | Feasibility study chocolate Uganda

Good African Coffee | Feasibility study chocolate Uganda

Good African Coffee

Good African Coffee is the first African-owned, quality coffee brand that competes on equal footing with other world-leading brands. Good African Coffee has championed the fair trade principle and treats coffee farmers as trade partners – paying them and their families fair prices for their produce. Moreover, Good African shares its profits equally with farmers and their families by investing in community projects that lead to sustainable economic and social well-being. 

Good African engaged Larive to assess opportunities to diversify its business for which Larive executed a feasibility study for the production of chocolate products, under the Good African brand. This project was supported by the Dutch Government, for which Larive prepared a successful project application and managed the entire project. The resulting business plan and financial model provided the impetus for the next steps. In January 2016, Good African Chocolate was launched and the journey to add value to the finest Ugandan cocoa began.

Good African Coffee

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