FoodTechIndonesia supports Indonesian broiler farmers with increasing technical performance >30%

FoodTechIndonesia supports Indonesian broiler farmers with increasing technical performance >30%


The Netherlands and Indonesia work together to strengthen the Indonesian poultry sector. The FoodTechIndonesia consortium comprises leading complementary (non-competitive) parties from various steps in the Dutch broiler and layer poultry value chain, which enables to provide Indonesian companies with integrated solutions.

FoodTechIndonesia has been initiated by business development consultancy firm Larive International and its Indonesia-based affiliate Clarity Research. The consortium includes Aeres Training Centre International, Royal De Heus, DSM Nutritional Products, Hato, Kanters Special Products, Marel Poultry, Mavitec, Moba, Royal Pas Reform, Trouw Nutrition and Van Aarsen.

Demonstration broiler house

Recently, the consortium upgraded an existing open broiler farmhouse in Sleman, Central Java to a closed farmhouse by implementing Dutch solutions, fitting to local conditions.

Broiler farm house at PT. Januputra Sejahtera farm prior to upgrade, ©FoodTechIndonesia (2021).

This upgrade aimed to increase the levels of biosecurity and animal welfare, reduce farm operating risks, and improve animal and financial performance. The upgraded broiler house, at the premises of PT. Januputra Sejahtera farm, functions as a demonstration location for broiler farmers from the Yogyakarta region. The facility showcases that investments in Dutch products and solutions are commercially attractive and applicable to Indonesian needs.


Broiler farm house at PT. Januputra Sejahtera farm after the upgrade, ©FoodTechIndonesia (2021)

Besides the implementation of hardware, technical assistance and a broiler management training program have been offered to the demonstration farmhouse operators. The technical assistance and training program provided the farm staff with the required theoretical and practical knowledge to apply best farming practices.

Preliminary results broiler house: >30% better technical performance

The first two cycles in the upgraded farmhouse have been completed, and performance data has been gathered to analyse the commercial and technical feasibility of the upgrade. The first results are promising and show an improvement in the Production Efficiency Index (technical performance) of over 30%. Additionally, the production volume (harvested weight) increased by 85%, the bird mortality ratio described by >50% (decline of 2.5 percentage point) and the Feed Efficiency Index (FCR) improved by 19.5% (from 1.9 to 1.5). Furthermore, labour, energy and medicine costs per bird significantly decreased.

For the farmer, the improvements and costs reductions resulted in a profitability increase of an astonishing 230% as he moved from losing money to earning a profit.

When divided over the number of birds produced in this farmhouse is one year, the total upgrade cost accounts for EUR 0,43 per bird. If the farm performance remains at current levels, the investment will be earned back in ~2.2 years.

Given the positive results, the farmer currently explores the possibility to upgrade all his farmhouses, which exemplifies the feasibility of the FoodTechIndonesia solutions in the Indonesian broiler sector.

Layer demonstration farm

The FoodTechIndonesia consortium is working on upgrading a layer farmhouse in Central Java, to be completed in May 2021, with the aim to achieve similar positive results as with the broiler demonstration farmhouse.


If you have any questions about FoodTechIndonesia contact Iris Boom, Project manager Larive International


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