International Financing Corporation | Karnataka water security

International Financing Corporation | Karnataka water security

2030 Water resources group

2030 Water Resources Group (2030 WRG) is a unique public-private-civil society collaboration, hosted by the World Bank Group, that brings transformative change to water resources planning by convening national multi-stakeholder platforms and structured processes.

In India, 2030 WRG has been actively supporting the Government of the State of Karnataka in their water-related activities. The largest and most economically significant river basins in Karnataka – Krishna and Cauvery – face a growing water demand-supply deficit and therefore the government is encouraging coordinated action across Karnataka’s inhabitants and businesses to better manage their water resources and sustainability.

Larive supported the 2030 WRG and the State of Karnataka reaching out to the local private sector players to be actively involved in the development of drip-irrigated agriculture in a water-scarce region in Karnataka. Involving private sector players to deliver technical assistance to farmers and form off-take agreements. In total, 14 MoUs were signed between agro-food companies and the State of Karnataka departments of Water Resources, Agriculture and Horticulture.

In addition, Larive completed an assessment of possible strategies to transform the area into a market-driven drip-to-market agro-corridor.


Larive and partners provided critical support to the 2030 WRG Ramthal Karnataka program by stimulating concrete market linkages between farmers and institutionalised local, national and international agri-food companies, in close collaboration with key government agencies.  They were agile, responsive, persistent and customer-focused, reflecting their practical experience dealing successfully with private sector worldwide. Bastiaan Mohrmann – (former) Co-Head, Asia and Middle East, 2030 WRG/IFC

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