Monte Pizza Crust | Feasibility study Korea

Monte Pizza Crust | Feasibility study Korea

Monte Pizza Crust

Monte Pizza Crust specialises in producing and delivering high-quality pizza crusts and dough balls in every imaginable amount. Larive supported Monte Pizza by implementing a feasibility study for an investment in a high-quality pizza topping & packaging line in South Korea, which has been co-funded via the Netherlands grant program DHI. Additionally, Larive assessed export opportunities for semi-finished pizza crusts from the Netherlands.

“With the support of Larive, we were not only able to explore the South Korean market but also to establish a crucial strategic partnership with a Korean company. The setup of a business plan in relation to the subsidy by RVO was done by Larive in a very practical way. The local support (language, culture and network) by their local partner was crucial for this project. Good team to work with!” Frans van Dijk – Managing Director Monte Pizza Crust

Monte Pizza

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