Oost NL | Future Protein NL online magazine

Oost NL | Future Protein NL online magazine


The East Netherlands Development Agency (Oost NL) is the development agency of the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel in the Netherlands. Its mission is to strengthen the regional economy with access to networks, sharing knowledge and financial instruments. Oost NL is active in the food, energy, health, tech and circular economy industries. 

On behalf of Oost NL, in cooperation with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), Foodvalley NL, Top Sector Agri & Food, and the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, Larive conducted a study on the Dutch alternative protein ecosystem. Results have been published in an informative magazine (‘Future Protein NL’), which features over forty exclusive interviews with leading entrepreneurs and organizations, including Beyond Meat, Jaap Korteweg, Founder of the Vegetarian Butcher and Those Vegan Cowboys, Meatable, Protix, The Protein Brewery, LIVEKINDLY Collective, and many more. Read the magazine online here. In addition to the magazine, Larive conducted a SWOT analysis of the Dutch alternative protein ecosystem, taking into account international opportunities and threats.

Oost NL Future Protein NL online magazine

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