FoodTechAfrica Rwanda & Uganda | Partnership

FoodTechAfrica Rwanda & Uganda | Partnership

A regional approach for aquaculture development in East Africa

  • Region: Rwanda & Uganda
  • Sector: Aquaculture
  • Duration: 2017-2019
  • 5 Project partners
  • Public-private partnership co-financed by the Dutch government

Following FoodTechAfrica’s activities in Kenya, a RAS fish farm model was developed for application across the East African region. This system was successfully developed and applied in Rwanda for demonstration and testing. The test facility in southern Rwanda provided a solid understanding of the markets of the possibilities to apply Dutch technology and knowledge across the aquaculture sector.

Key Achievements

  • Developed a successful RAS fish farm model for application across East Africa.
  • Demonstrated technical and economic feasibility of RAS technology in Rwanda.
  • Assessed the market potential for farmed fish in Uganda and Rwanda.
  • Contributed to increased fish production and food security in East Africa.

This project aimed to assess the market of farmed fish in Uganda and Rwanda and to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility in Rwanda. This approach to aquaculture and the implementation of the technology across the region had a direct positive impact on fish production and food security in the region.

Uganda and Rwanda were selected as key markets, given their population growth, economic development and opportunity to feed their growing population with locally produced proteins (rather than import from China). Moreover, they also are central countries in the region that supply fish to neighbouring countries, including Kenya, the DRC and Burundi.

This project was co-financed by the government of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The project partners included

    • Fishion
    • Larive International
    • Lakeside Fish Farm
    • Lattice Consulting
    • Viqon

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