Schouten | Grant to growth in India

Schouten | Grant to growth in India


Schouten specialises in plant-based protein foods. The company’s products are based on beans, nuts, seeds, soy, wheat, chickpeas and lentils and serve as a healthy and sustainable source of protein. India has an increasing market for ready-to-eat products and a growing demand for proteins.

Larive supported Schouten by attracting a grant from the DHI program and executed an investment study in India. This resulted in a financial model to support the business case of the investment, as well as a partnership to establish a production facility.

 “With the professional help of Larive, a good feasibility study has been carried out. Larive team, thank you so much for the pleasant cooperation, you have done a good job!” Henk, CEO Schouten Europe B.V.

Schouten India
Schouten India

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