Niels Kreijger

Niels Kreijger

Emerging markets advisor

Job title

Emerging markets advisor


Niels Kreijger holds a Master’s degree in International Business and Management from the University of Groningen where he completed his Master’s with a sustainable society focus track. Niels has experience researching agri-food (cocoa, aquaculture, horticulture, soy, livestock) in India, Côte d’Ivoire, Uganda and Mozambique, and currently coordinates the capacity-building program, Samaki Poa, for aquaculture in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. His extensive involvement in projects across Africa and Asia has shaped him into a systems thinker, capable of analyzing root causes and evaluating interventions’ impact on the broader context.


  • University of Groningen: Master’s degree in International Business and Management with a Sustainable Society focus track. Graduated cum laude on the use of philanthropy to compensate for corporate social irresponsibility.
  • University of Groningen: Bachelor’s degree in International Business
  • KEDGE Business School Bordeaux: Bachelor’s degree in Programme Supérieur de Gestion et de Commerce – Marketing focus track
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